
Fredex Diary

Fredex Diary

From £9.10
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Full Description

Eco agenda in A5 size, with elegant covers in granulated cardboard with a Nature finish.

Day page design, with fabric bookmark and phrase of the day. In 8 languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Galician, Basque and Catalan.

Eco friendly logo at the back cover and manufactured with elemental chlorine free (ECF) paper, which drastically reduces pollution in the paper pulp bleaching process, achieving an excellent quality in the resulting finish and, at the same time, guaranteeing the recycling process on multiple times.

Product dimensions: 14.7 x 21 x 2cm

Print area: 60 x 80mm

Prices are based on 1000 units printed. Origination and carriage may be charged as extra.